Guest post by Ian Skerrett For the last 3 years we have been tracking the trends of the IoT developer community through the IoT Developer Survey [2015] [2016]. Today, we released the third edition of the IoT Developer Survey 2017. As in previous years, the report provides some interesting insights into what IoT developers are thinking and using to build...Go To Article
Recent technological advancement has seen a lot of sectors improve and the analytics sector has not been left behind. The latest advances in the Apache Hadoop system is a major improvement to the Hadoop’s viability as far as data storage is concerned. With these advances, it is clear that SQL software on Hadoop is the best way to access big...Go To Article
Facebook isn't just a technology company
It's a network comprised of any number of devices or nodes
Uno and Muchos are tools that ease the burden on developers of installing Accumulo and its dependencies
A basic overview of Hadoop essentials
Rapid data growth is forcing organizations across every industry to rethink many aspects of their data management strategies
Cloudera Enterprise 5.11 is now generally available (GA)
When is the Query Watchdog a good choice?
Interesting concept of a Query Watchdog to manage long-running queries
We summarized and answered questions received during our April Hadoop webinar.
There is a series of mini-conferences running in and around ApacheCon that you will not want to miss.
Databricks for Data Engineering is Databricks' software optimised for
Kyvos’ support for leading cloud platforms now encompasses Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure
In this post we roundup the reactions that some prominent free software stalwarts
Ubuntu GNOME is becoming the default flavor of the popular Linux-based operating system
Building a chatbot is really about taking computer-human conversation to a whole new level.
Strong points of the program Explores a unique field where Statistics Applied Mathematics and Computer Science converge
It is the Battery Open-Source Software Index (BOSS Index)
In Mastodon you can't delete your account and but your node or instance admin can
Mastodon allows users to create accounts and interact with others and post status updates
Mastodon only major advantage is having a character limit of 500 characters (instead of Twitter's 140)
Join us again this year in Las Vegas for our biggest, most comprehensive, and most vibrant event in cloud computing.
This technology event is for the ambitious enterprise technology professional, seeking to explore the latest innovations, implementations and strategies to drive businesses forward.
Join the first-ever data streaming industry event at Current 2022: The Next Generation of Kafka Summit. You’ll be able to immerse yourself in all things real-time data with peers.
OSCON covers FLOSS in its entirety. Not just one language, tool, or philosophy, but all the moving parts integrated and working together.
The goal of the 99U Conference is to shift the focus from idea generation to idea execution. Providing road-tested insights
Consensus 2016 will define what is “real” in blockchain technology and focus on how to mainstream real-world applications for consumers.