Top Stories

Big Data, Big Self-Service

Dec 22, 2016

The data lake has become the driving force of strategic IT in many companies. The heart-felt cry is: “We want the company to be data driven!” Now, if you want to be pedantic you can argue convincingly that IT has always been data driven in one way or another, but the promise of the data lake is far more beguiling...Go To Article

QA: Hortonworks CTO unfolds the big data road map

Dec 20, 2016

Hortonworks has built its business on big data and Hadoop, but the Hortonworks Data Platform provides analytics and features support for a range of technologies beyond Hadoop, including MapReduce, Pig, Hive, and Spark. Hortonworks DataFlow, meanwhile, offers streaming analytics and uses technologies like Apache Nifi and Kafka. InfoWorld Executive Editor Doug Dineley and Editor at Large Paul Krill recently spoke...Go To Article

Top 7 Videos from ApacheCon and Apache Big Data 2016

Dec 15, 2016

It’s been two years since The Linux Foundation forged a partnership with the Apache Software Foundation to become the producer of their official ASF events. This year, ApacheCon and Apache Big Data continued to grow and gain momentum as the place to share knowledge, ideas, best practices and creativity with the rest of the Apache open source community. As 2016...Go To Article

The Rise of Event-Driven Computing and the Keys to Microservices Applications

Dec 14, 2016

Over the last couple years, companies like Uber, Amazon, Netflix, and Twitter have publicly declared that they have chosen to adopt microservices application architectures and have detailed their decisions to refactor existing applications in order to implement this approach. For these companies, rewriting their core business applications was no small task and required broad collaboration and orchestration of their entire...Go To Article


Tryolabs’ Top 10 list of Python libraries for 2016

Dec 22, 2016

If you ask a bunch of developers what programming language they prefer prepare for a bunch of different answers.

Take a Test Drive of the Linux Data Science Virtual Machine

Dec 22, 2016

You can now take a free test drive — no credit card required! Just visit the Linux DSVM Marketplace page and click the blue button.

Who Owns Blockchain? Goldman, BofA Amass Patents for Coming Wars

Dec 21, 2016

(Bloomberg) -- In the headlong rush to revolutionize modern finance.

Deep Learning on Databricks

Dec 21, 2016

We are excited to announce the general availability of Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) and deep learning support on Databricks!

Methbot: a $3M-$5M/day video ad-tech fraud

Dec 21, 2016

Methbot operators use this industry approach to their advantage and stuff crafted cookies into fake web sessions.

More Than Half of Data Pros Deploying Big Data In the Cloud

Dec 20, 2016

AtScale said they are deploying big data in the cloud today.

Data and Analytics Strategy Predictions Through 2021

Dec 19, 2016

A few key observations that portend some significant and interesting changes.

Cars Would Be Required to Talk to Each Other Under U.S. Plan

Dec 19, 2016

U.S. automobile regulators want passenger cars and light trucks to wirelessly stream data about their movements and monitor other vehicles so they don’t crash into each other.

Banks Turn to Mind Reading to Source Top Tech Graduates

Dec 19, 2016

Want to work at a bank? First you have to let them read your mind.

Data Product to Support Research On Human Genome

Dec 19, 2016

Information technology will be challenged to sort through the massive amounts of data to enable research and improve patient care.

VA Lays Out Plans For Cloud-based Digital Health Platform

Dec 19, 2016

The Department of Veterans Affairs has developed a blueprint for a cloud-based technology platform that will integrate veteran data from VA.

Startup grind is over: Now Primary Data must compete with storage giants

Dec 19, 2016

Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie... they need 'em to buy buy buy.

Running Accumulo on Fedora 25

Dec 19, 2016

These instructions will assume you’re using Fedora 25.

Data Management: 2016’s Hot Trends and What to Watch in 2017

Dec 16, 2016

The leading trends in enterprise data management in 2016 were continued from recent years.

Oracle finally targets Java non-payers – six years after plucking Sun

Dec 16, 2016

Thought Java was 'free'? Think again (and you owe us $$$ in 2017)

SQL Server on Linux: How? Introduction

Dec 16, 2016

A lot of you are curious to hear more about how to made SQL Server run on Linux.

Scalable Partition Handling for Cloud-Native Architecture in Apache Spark 2.1

Dec 15, 2016

Apache Spark 2.1 is just around the corner: the community is going through voting process for the release candidates.

Facebook fixes fake news too late to matter

Dec 15, 2016

Why does it always take the worst thing that could possibly happen to spark reform?

On Demand Webinar and FAQ: Apache Spark MLlib 2.x: Migrating ML Workloads to DataFrames

Dec 14, 2016

Learn about the ease with which you can migrate your MLlib RDD-based workloads to Spark 2.x MLlib DataFrame-based APIs.

The Great A.I. Awakening

Dec 14, 2016

How Google used artificial intelligence to transform Google Translate.

That Was the Year That Was: Major BI Events of 2016 (and Predictions for 2017)

Dec 14, 2016

It's time to once again review some of the major events of the year and speculate on what might occur in 2017.


AWS re:Invent

Nov 28, 2022 Las Vegas, NV

Join us again this year in Las Vegas for our biggest, most comprehensive, and most vibrant event in cloud computing.

AI & Big Data Expo 2022

Oct 05, 2022 Santa Clara, CA

This technology event is for the ambitious enterprise technology professional, seeking to explore the latest innovations, implementations and strategies to drive businesses forward.

Current 2022: The Next Generation of Kafka Summit

Oct 04, 2022 Austin, TX

Join the first-ever data streaming industry event at Current 2022: The Next Generation of Kafka Summit. You’ll be able to immerse yourself in all things real-time data with peers.

O’Reilly Open Source Convention

May 16, 2016 Austin

OSCON covers FLOSS in its entirety. Not just one language, tool, or philosophy, but all the moving parts integrated and working together.

99U 2016

May 05, 2016 New York

The goal of the 99U Conference is to shift the focus from idea generation to idea execution. Providing road-tested insights

Consensus 2016: Making Blockchain Real

May 02, 2016 New York

Consensus 2016 will define what is “real” in blockchain technology and focus on how to mainstream real-world applications for consumers.